The harsh winter weather has seen more than 37,000 tonnes of road salt used so far by Lincolnshire County Council.
The authority has also carried out 104 precautionary gritting runs and 13 snow plough runs.
Last winter, there were 55 runs using 13,374 tonnes of salt.
But when the weather was at its worst, ten of the 47 gritters were out of action due to maintenance.
“The overall pattern shows that the vehicles are reaching the end of their life cycle,” says a report to go before the Highways and Transport Scrutiny Committee on April 23
“The Beast from the East represented a significant challenge to our service,” the report adds.
Some 4,884 tonnes of salt were used between February 26 and March 4 at a cost of ÂŁ270,000.
“This could represent an opportune moment to procure new vehicles and move away from lease agreements,” the report adds.
Special mention was made of Moulton Seas End farmer Jack Buck, who spent three days voluntarily clearing roads and pulling vehicles from snow drifts.
The authority has also had trials with a variety of brown salt which is treated and does not have to be pre-wetted. Neighbouring Norfolk has used it for several years.