FEATURE: How you can make the most of school open days

Many schools hold open days to give parents and children the chance to look around and get a feel for the place and help them in their decision in which school to choose.

During an open day prospective parents and pupils can visit the school during a working day. You’ll be able to visit classrooms, and often pupils will show you round and talk to you about their school.
You’ll probably be invited to hear a talk by the headteacher, the head of admissions or the head of the relevant section of the school (like the reception class teacher, or head of sixth form).
Open days usually happen in September and October. They are aimed at families looking for a school place for their child to start the following September.
Here are some tips for getting the most from an open day:
lTake your child with you – you need a child’s eye view as well as your own, and they’ll notice things you miss.
lThink about whether you find the open day chaotic, friendly, efficient or improvised? The organisation of the day’s events can give many clues to the general running of a school.
lPay attention to the pupils – do they seem happy and motivated? Do they speak positively about their teachers and school-life? Pupils are the best ambassadors for any school.
lDon’t make decisions based on individual teachers – they may have left by the time your child starts school.
lDon’t get too bogged down in the details – try to get a “feel” for the school atmosphere.
lFeel free to ask questions if you want to, particularly of pupils – what do they think of the teaching – do they enjoy life at the school?
lLook at the work on display. Does it represent a broad range of ability? A school should value every child.
lDoes the school offer extra-curricular activities so your child can develop their interests? This also shows that the teachers are motivated and enthusiastic.
Remember – listen to your instincts.

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