Bath appeal to ease bubbly Alice’s pain

The family of a bubbly 10-year-old have launched an appeal to buy a special bath that could ease her nightly pain.

Alice Bates, of Little Sutton, has quadriplegic cerebral palsy and epilepsy after a brain haemorrhage and stroke soon after her birth.

Her left hand is the only limb she can use functionally.

The pain she experiences is worse at night due to muscle cramps and spasms, said her mum Charlotte.

Experts told her the pain could be eased by Alice having a warm bath before she goes to sleep, however the family of eight only have a downstairs wet-room.

Alice’s sister Abigail (16) has pledged to give up her own bedroom so a bath can be installed – but the family needs to raise £6,000. A £4,000 deposit is needed to secure it.

“A bath is going to be something relatively simple that’s going to give so much to Alice.

“Not only will it be soothing for her, but also she will be able to play and enjoy herself in the bath as well as allowing her freedom of movement.

“Because of this it’s something we’re really hoping to make happen.

“Alice could have more drugs to help her, she has them every day and they keep her alive.

“But we know there’s always a chance with her taking new drugs that there could be an adverse effect, and we’re always on the lookout of any possible side effects from any medication she takes.

“It just seems ridiculous to take more drugs when there is a healthy alternative,” said her mum.

The bath that would suit wheelchair bound Alice’s needs best costs £9,000 new, but through maker Abacus Assisted Bathing, the family has located a second hand model that’s available.

Abacus has offered to transport and install it without charge within eight weeks – if the asking price of £6,000 can be met.

The family are asking for donations and hope to meet any shortfalls through charitable donations.

Alice was able to sit in one of the baths when Abacus sent a lorry with a prototype bath to her home.

“Alice couldn’t wait to get outside,” said Charlotte. “She wanted to have a bath there and then in the middle of the street in her clothes.

“It will fit the room beautifully and allow us to get round to Alice at all sides.

“The bath rises up around her so you don’t need hoists and there’s a button to release the water all in one go.

“If Alice has an epileptic fit we can get the water out straight away so it would take that danger and panic away.

“She also keeps saying ‘Mummy I’m going to be able to wash myself’. She loves doing things for herself.

“She’s also asked about having bubbles, can she have toys, can she listen to music – I can see how important it is to her and how she is picturing it happening in her head, which is lovely.”

Donations are already coming in to help Alice and the family are also raffling a football signed by Arsenal’s 1989/90 title winning side. But they are still only 10 per cent of the way towards their target.

Alice recently took to the internet to thank those who have already donated in a video you can see below.

Charlotte said: “People are wonderfully generous and have been amazing.

“It was her idea to make the video and she wouldn’t let me be in the room.

“It was really, really sweet and she is so excited.”

To enter the £2 a ticket raffle for the Arsenal football visit

To donate to Alice’s cause visit

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