Emma completes historic marathon

Running the hottest London Marathon ever was described as “brutal” by Spalding mum of two Emma Wilson, but she completed it in memory of her younger sister.

Emma Wilson has raised over £7,000 for the Teenage Cancer Trust as a tribute to Louise Miers who passed away in April last year aged 25 just six months after being diagnosed with a brain tumour.

Emma completed the 26.2 miles in 7hrs 23 mins in temperatures topping 23C.

“It was absolutely horrendous……brutal,” she said. “Never did I imagine the weather would be so hot.

“By mile 15 I was getting really emotional and by 18 miles I was thinking ‘I can’t do this and I’ve got to stop’.

“I’ve never given up on anything before, but I got very close to giving up on that. They ran out of water too. It was really demoralising getting to a water station and there was no water bottles.

“I phoned my husband Adam and my friend Sam Broderick and they walked me around the last few miles.

“I’m so glad they persuaded me to finish it. It would be so much worse and I’d be even more emotional if I hadn’t have finished.

“I had hoped to do it in six hours but I was 55 minutes in the blazing sun waiting to get over the start line so I just vowed to get around.

“It was an incredible experience. The crowds were phenomenal and I don’t think they realised how amazing they were. It was them that kept everyone going.”

Emma, who works for accountancy firm, Moore Thompson was also delighted to do it for her sister who she called “Scooby” due to an impersonation of a cartoon dog Louise used to do.

It made it extra emotional for the mum of two.

“That medal for completing the race is for her.

“I know she would have been at the end, very proud and shouting “put one foot in front of the other” and telling me to “man up” when the tears were flowing – but she would also have been very proud.

“Never again am I running a marathon. Some people are built for running marathons, but I’m not one of them.”

To donate visit https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/Emma.Wilson

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