COLUMN: Students enjoy first few days at Sir John Gleed

The step up from primary school to secondary school is an exciting time for young people – if not more than a little daunting.

Here are the comments of some of the year seven students who started at the Sir John Gleed School last week.
Sophie (2)Sophie Toynton
Before the Sir John Gleed School’s summer school I felt excited and really nervous as I wasn’t sure how it would be or where to go and what we would be doing.
When I arrived and saw my friends I felt welcomed into the school and I knew I would do well.
On Tuesday night, before my first day at SJGS, I was scared as I didn’t know what to expect from the school but also excited as I wanted to do the different subjects; I was looking forward to DT and History the most as I enjoyed DT in primary school and I really like History.
After having a little breakfast on Wednesday morning and getting dressed my mum took a photograph of me in my new school uniform.
I felt happy to be wearing Sir John Gleed School uniform!
The first day was a testing day and I was excited to see what sets I would be in.
On Thursday morning I felt confident as I knew where certain things were in the school.
It was good to meet my teachers for the first time.
Mrs Smith in Maths was funny and encouraged me a lot.
The History teacher, Mrs Crossley, was very helpful and explained things well.
Overall, my first two days at Sir John Gleed School were great.
I was excited to return Monday to my new set of lessons.
In the future I am really looking forward to the Hairdressing course so I can become a hairdresser.

JurandsJurands Tilla
On the Thursday morning I was worried as I thought I would get lost and that the big children might bully me.
I was too nervous to eat breakfast that day.
I met Mr Bent, my tutor, and after spending time with him I set off to my first lesson…but got lost!
Someone from Year 10 helped me get to my lesson.
The big children were very helpful, and not bullies after all!
My first day was great.
My second day was even better than my first because I was less worried.
I am going to work hard at Sir John Gleed School and get the best GCSE results that I can so I can join the police force in the future.

KieranKieran Courtman
On Friday I enjoyed all of my lessons and got a ‘Hazard’ homework in Science.
Music was my favourite lesson because we looked at rhythms and terminology and Mr Brown is funny.
We had lots of laughing with Mr Brown and we had our singing recorded.
At lunch time we went to Café Central and had hot dinners and I used my ‘money finger’.
At lunch time my friends and I practised gymnastics.
I will be joining the gymnastics club as I would like to keep fit, improve my core body strength and improve my muscle mass.
I am looking forward to Maths with Mrs Smith as she makes me laugh in lesson time…she makes maths fun and allows us to draw on the tables – but we must rub it all out when we have finished.
By the time I have finished at Sir John Gleed School I would like to pass my GCSEs and become a gymnastics coach or an actor!

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