COLUMN: Burns victim Simon Weston to speak at charity presentation evening

Friday, February 20 sees the culmination of over 30 years of fundraising for a local charity set up to alleviate the suffering of those who have been badly burned and help their recovery as well as assisting their families who experience hardship visiting their loved ones.

Originally set up by a group of Whittlesey people, led by the late Sheila Conning, who had been affected by several friends’ experience of burns injuries and aftercare, they campaigned vigorously for funds, holding coffee mornings, bring and buy sales, dances and other events to help victims and their families.

These funds were added to and invested over the years and now over 30 years on only one of the original trustees remains, Tulip Radio’s Jan Whitbourn, who lived in Whittlesey for several years.

The fund now stands at over £800,000 and the charity has been wound up and the funds are to be distributed at a special presentation evening to be held at the Masonic Hall in Peterborough on Friday, February 20.

Falklands War burns victim Simon Weston OBE is to appear at the event and give a short address before presenting the funds to the facility that all local burns victims are now sent to, the Broomfield Hospital in Chelmsford.

Whilst the main aim of the charity was to raise money to help provide local facilities for local people, it is not possible nor feasible to establish a dedicated unit in Peterborough.

The directors at Peterborough City Hospital were offered the proceeds of the fund as long as they were targeted towards burns victims but they felt unable to satisfy this wish.

Robert Hughes from Peterborough District Hospital travelled with Jan to Broomfield to talk about the funds, and what would be done for local people who had raised all this money.

As a result of the wonderful efforts over the last 30 years, this very significant sum of money can be focussed upon alleviating the trauma of burns Injuries for local people and will markedly improve victims’ care and assist in their rehabilitation.

The event itself takes the form of a dinner with entertainment from Dennis Hannant followed by Simon Weston’s speech and presentation.

A raffle and auction is also being held with Alan Porter making us laugh with his gavel, proceeds will be split between The Royal British Legion and Anna’s Hope, a local charity.

Tickets are still available from Jan Whitbourn at Tulip Radio by telephoning 01775 712400.

by Jan Whitbourn

Business manager, Tulip Radio

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