Charity steps-in to ensure hearing aids for George

Fantastic fundraisers and kind-hearted donors have helped raise money to help a five-year-old.

The family of George Hall have been astounded at the generosity of people which has meant a £6,000 fundraising target has been met.

Susie Hall started raising money at the end of June to raise money for special waterproof hearing aids for her son George.

And a Holbeach charity has ensured George will have his aids, by giving £1,000 to the appeal.

He was left deaf and with mobility issues after being born needing resuscitation.

George, whose great grandparents Janet and Percy Bettinson live in Pinchbeck, spent the first month of his life in intensive care, but now attends mainstream school and loves swimming.

But the NHS does not provide waterproof aids and he cannot hear his friends or teacher when in the water, which is not ideal.

“Swimming helps so much with his mobility problems and he loves it,” said Mrs Hall.

He has a new wheelchair on order and if any money is left over from the hearing aids, it will be used to personalise it specially for him.

He uses a wheelchair when he needs to.

The appeal was topped this week when Holbeach’s Chosen Charity stepped in with £1,000 to ensure the target was met.

“Thank-you just isn’t enough. People have been so kind and we are just delighted that we can order his hearing aids,” said Mrs Hall, of West Walton.

Everything from golf to sponsored spinning has been held to help. Tickets are still being sold for an evening of spiritualism at West Walton Village Hall, on September 28. The cost is £7 on the door.

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