You’ll have to pay to use South Holland District Council car parks from Monday (July 6) with the authority saying they will be enforced.
Charges to park at the car parks in Spalding, Holbeach and Long Sutton were officially waived when the COVID-19 lockdown was brought in, though previous to that the parking hadn’t been enforced for a lengthy period.
Now South Holland District Council says its working in partnership with Lincolnshire County Council to enforce the charges going forward.
A district council spokesman, said: “A new partnership between South Holland District Council and Lincolnshire County Council will start next week (6 July), making sure Spalding’s car parks are used fairly and safely, and making it easier for shoppers to visit the town centre.
“Parking fees in council car parks will also return from this date, after they were temporarily waived in March to support keyworkers during the coronavirus outbreak, a scheme which was then extended to help the reopening of the high street in June.
“With this re-introduction the way in which car parks are managed will change, with the district and county council working together to bring on and off-street enforcement together under one service.
“The agreement means that uniformed officers will be more frequently patrolling the council-owned car parks in the town, ensuring there is an appropriate level of enforcement in place to help keep motorists moving, reduce congestion caused by inconsiderate parking and ensure spaces are used fairly to help more people find spaces and visit the town centre.
“Officers will start this new role from Monday 6 July, initially handing out warnings to anyone who may be unaware of the changes, before starting to issue fines for anyone parked illegally or without a correct ticket displayed.
“The two councils have worked jointly to find ways to offer residents, businesses and visitors the most effective service together, following feedback from shops and residents about town centre car park spaces being taken up by all-day parkers without tickets, and will help people to feel more confident to park and travel into town and shop.”
Councillor Roger Gambba-Jones, South Holland District Council portfolio holder for place said: “I am pleased that we have entered this new partnership with Lincolnshire County Council and believe it will provide us with good opportunities to continue to invest into the District’s car parks.
“As well as new machines providing more ways to pay and the introduction of electric vehicle charging points, we are continuing to explore ways to improve the provision of, better lighting, signage and extra parking bays for the benefit of everyone who visits the town.
“Spalding continues to offer one of the lowest car parking charges available in large towns in the County, and the charges are vital to allow us to maintain, operate and improve the facilities. Being able to ensure fair usage by the whole public through enforcement is an important aspect of this.”