Changes to visiting times and conditions at Johnson Hospital

Visiting times to the Johnson Hospital are to be reduced to one hour and to one member of immediate family or a carer per patient where possible as part of temporary measures due to start tomorrow.

Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust says the restrictions will start from 12pm tomorrow (Friday, March 20) and are to ‘to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and to protect our staff, visitors and patients’.

In a statement the Trust said: “We know that it’s important for our patients to see family and friends but we are asking the public to limit visiting and to consider other ways of keeping in touch.

“From 12pm Friday March 20, visitors must be immediate family members or carers. Visiting will also be restricted to one hour between 6pm – 7pm.

“You should not visit any of our hospitals if you are feeling unwell, including with cold or flu symptoms; vulnerable due to medication, a chronic underlying illness or over 70 years of age or are under 12 years of age, without the ward managers permission.

“Visitors will be limited to one per patient unless the patient is receiving end of life care or the visitor needs to be accompanied (accompanying visitors should not stay in the ward or communal areas but wait elsewhere until the visit is ended).

“In some cases, such as where patients are nearing the end of their life, we will do all we can to accommodate visiting needs.”

“Please do not visit any of our hospitals if you have symptoms associated with Coronavirus. Instead you should stay at home for at least seven days if you have either a high temperature and/or a new continuous cough.

“If you live with other people, they should stay at home for 14 days from the day the first person got symptoms.

“We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support and cooperation and for helping us limit the spread of Coronavirus COVID-19.”

The measures also cover County Hospital in Louth, John Coupland Hospital and Skegness Hospital.

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