The first Tydd Gote Angling Club match of the season attracted a good number with the club delighted to see new faces joining in.
Fished following the Angling Trust COVID-19 guidelines, there was strict social distancing in place.
Conditions looked good with a bit of colour in the water, warm but overcast conditions and a bit of breeze but the fish were hard to find.

Steve Borrett was on peg 33 and found two good bream around 4lb apiece to worm and caster and some smaller silvers for a comfortable win with a level 10lb.
Newcomer Phil Parnell was on peg 17 and had a lovely net of small silvers to pinkie and maggot for 5lb and second place, with Colin Burton taking a good bream and a few perch from peg 25 for his third place net of 4lb 5oz.
Andrew Kilby was in fourth with an all small fish net of 4lb 1oz from 31.
* Wednesday Open result: 1. John Taylor 6lb 2oz 2. Bob Bates 5lb 13oz 3. Pete Emery 4lb 4oz
There have been some fine fish taken in the first week of the new season on Tydd Gote AC waters. Dave Williams, Dan Abbott and John Bates all finding bream in the Main Road area but the stand out fish was an excellent 6lb tench taken by Jamie Edwards.
For more on the club contact Dick Paul on 07747 824301 or for club matches Pete Emery on 07947 864889.