I went into town late Saturday afternoon and for a split second I thought it was April Fools Day, looking at the new animal statues in the centre of town!
Haven’t the Arts Council and Spalding Civic Society got better ways to spend their money?
I read on social media, one councillor said they aim to enhance the town centre while increasing footfall and in turn a boost to the local economy.
Increase footfall? Do you think people will travel into Spalding town centre just to see some amateur statues? They are located near Bentley’s bar and the Pied Calf pub – very handy for local drunks to vandalise on a Saturday night.
We don’t need statues to remind us what a bustling market town Spalding once was. It is beyond help now. The town is an absolute disgrace. Winsover Road is a mess, rubbish bags piled up all along the pavements and litter everywhere.
Abbey Passage is a meeting place for the local homeless. It’s full of dirty bedding and people drinking heavily. I feel very sorry for Hills Furniture store which is adjacent to all of this anti-social behaviour.
I realise the council didn’t pay for the statues but they need to address the problem areas of town. We have another empty shop, Goddards, and one soon to close, Inkleys.
What is to become of these shops? More Eastern European food shops maybe?
South Holland District Council is doing nothing to improve our once lovely Spalding.
You come into town via the river and the riverbank looks lovely and spring-like with all the daffodils. Then you approach the untidy site of the Bull and Monkie and The White Horse pub.
Walking further into town the situation gets worse.
If people travel into Spalding to look at these hideous statues they are not likely to come back! All we need now is some statues of pigs outside the South Holland Centre, then we could open our own Spalding adventure playground!
Mrs LJ Thomas
West Elloe Avenue