LETTERS – Try more earnestly to find truth

My final letter on this subject, since I think the editor will not wish to keep this discussion going.
“Name and address supplied” responds to criticism, not by giving real answers to the points previously made, but by another round of unfounded guesswork.
To deal with his points briefly:
l I am not “a leftie progressive”: My voting depends on the circumstances of the time. The writer tells us he/she voted for the party whose policies have included running down the National Health Service, underfunding councils, underfunding the defence services, etc, etc. If those policies are what he/she wants, then voting that way is quite natural.
l I did not vote for Starmer, and have my own criticisms of him; but those are founded on fact.
l “Perhaps Mr Tippler and Mr Garvie want the names and addresses of all voters” Heaven knows how “Name and address supplied” came up with that weird supposition.
l Nothing in my previous letter justifies his suggestion that I think the Reform party does not exist.
l Starmer himself regularly features the Union Jack. Waving it is not an offence. When did an arrest on such grounds occur? Another imaginary “fact”?
I can only suggest that “Name and address supplied” tries more earnestly to work only with truth even if it takes effort.

John Tippler

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