Spalding fight back wasn’t enough

Spalding 24 Bugbrooke 29

Having achieved two very creditable away draws for the start of the season Spalding stepped out in front of a good crowd on President’s Day at Centenary Park looking to put on a good show but, more importantly, get a first win of the season.

Visitors Bugbrooke had one home win and one away loss, as they kicked off to Spalding.
A series of rucks ensued as Spalding forwards carried the ball but with no momentum or territory gained, Spalding kicked downfield straight into the hands of the Bugbrooke full back, who swiftly counterattacked.
The ball flowed quickly through the backs and there was a big overlap, with a two on one resulting in Bugbrooke getting their opening try after three minutes of play.
Within two minutes Bugbrooke’s backs were handling and passing the ball at pace and a big hole in Spalding’s defence allowed the visitors to pour through for an easy try.

With a simple conversion Spalding were 12 points down after only five minutes of play with their defence nowhere to be seen.
Step-by-step the home team went back to basics, with the forwards led by captain Luke Turner making carries and securing ruck possession.
When penalties were awarded kicked to touch, as in previous weeks, the line out was again misfiring and handing possession back to the opposition.
Spalding steadily worked their way back into the game and pressure was starting to bring a series of penalties within striking distance of the Bugbrooke try line.
Having opted not to go for a penalty kick Spalding secured scrum possession and slick passing from scrum half Jim Wraith and fly half Willis Ingleby saw the ball flow out to right wing Ben Shields who raced in to score near the corner, the conversion making it 12-7
Coaches Ali Sharp and Phil Trotman rung some changes with Conall Mason moving into the centre and Zokas Raimondas, who was struggling with an ankle problem, replaced by sub George Douglas in the pack.
Play was now end-to-end but the Bugbrooke backs constantly looked dangerous with their speed and confident handling.
A penalty conceded at the breakdown handed a further three points to the visitors.
With half time approaching, again it was Spalding forwards Miguel Da Silva and Fergus McKerracher prominent with tackle breaking carries that gave Spalding a platform metres short of the try line.
Sam Cowell drove forward but was stopped short and with mounting pressure Jordan Templer was over.
Ingleby’s conversion meant the score was 15-12 and, Spalding were remarkably just three points down at half time.
Both teams started cautiously in the second half with Bugbrooke missing a penalty kick and kicks to touch by Spalding still resulting in possession being turned over.

It was Bugbrooke who took a clear advantage as they sped down the left wing and, with three tackles missed, the try scored was successfully converted.
This was followed by a move off the base of their scrum that saw Bugbrooke’s fly half cutting back inside and sailing through a gaping hole.
The visitors’ lead had increased to 17 points (29-12) and Spalding were facing a heavy defeat with ten minutes remaining.
The ball then flowed along the Spalding backs at pace. George Douglas threw a wide pass out to left wing Gav Sharman who outpaced the visitors wide defence to score. Ingleby’s conversion made it 29-19.
Spalding were back in the game and helped when the Bugbrooke prop was yellow carded for continuing to pull down his opposite number in the scrum.
Back chat later meant a scrum awarded to Spalding gained 20 metres and slick passing found Sharman with room to show his pace to score his second try and close the gap to five points.
With time nearly up Sharman again had one final burst down the wing but he was tackled.
It was Spalding’s last opportunity before the referee, who had officiated excellently, blew for full time
Team: Sam Cowell, Miguel Da Silva, Luke Turner, Conall Mason, Zokas Raimondas, Fergus McKerracher, Will Shields, Jordan Templer, Jim Wraith, Willis Ingleby, Ryan Firth, Sam Christie, Gav Sharman Ollie Machin. Subs: Canham Fraser, George Douglas, Henry Duce.

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