Village to mark 80th anniversary

A unit that trained in Donington before service in World War II will be remembered for the 80th year on Sunday.

Every year the village holds a service for those from the 1st Parachute Squadron Royal Engineers that were billeted there in 1943.
They were training for Operation Market Garden which aimed to forge a route through German lines and into that country itself.
Launched on September 17 it made rapid gains including retaking the Dutch cities of Eindhoven and Nijmegen but failed its ultimate aim to gain control of the bridge over the Rhein in the town of Arnham on the French/German border.
The Battle of Arnhem saw 1,984 allied soldiers killed and 6,854 captured by Germany who themselves had 1,300 killed.
The Donington Arnhem service has been held every year to mark the battle.
This year’s, on Sunday (September 29) will be extra poignant as it marks the 80th anniversary of the battle.
A parade will set off from Donington Market Place at 10.30am led by standard bearer and piper to St Mary and the Holy Rood Church for an 11am service.
That will include the names of the fallen being read out and the Last Post played.
After the service the congregation move outside for the laying of wreaths at the memorial beneath the Arnhem Oak Tree in the churchyard.
Eddie Finch is among the group that put on the event every year.
“Thousands of soldiers of the Parachute Regiment were billeted in the South Holland area,” Eddie said. “After spending the rest of war as prisoners some returned to the area to marry and live in the surrounding villages.
“Some of the readers may recognise Eric Booth, Arthur Hendy, John Clark, David Urquhart and Gordon Christie who just a few of the men to return to the local area.
“Everyone is very welcome to attend and in the church hall there will be a display of lots more old photos, military equipment, information on the men.
“Refreshments will also be served.”

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