Primary school needs to improve

Pupils at a Spalding school feel valued and describe it is ‘like a big family’.

St Bartholomew’s has been rated as ‘requires improvement’ following a recent Ofsted inspection.
“The school has made many improvements to its curriculum. However, it has not addressed some key issues effectively enough,” the report says.
Pupils live up to the ‘high expectations’ of the school’s values of friendship, love, tolerance and acceptance, forgiveness, trust and hope – the inspector added.
“The school’s personal development offer is strong. Pupils learn how to be healthy, safe and responsible. They understand the importance of equality. They respect difference and diversity.
“Pupils’ education is enriched by many curriculum-linked trips that bring learning to life and give pupils experiences which they may not otherwise have. Pupils appreciate the pastoral support available to them,” the report adds. There has been improvements to the curriculum, but some have not been implemented yet, or are not having the impact intended.
St Bartholomew’s has 92 pupils on the roll, aged from four to 11-years-old.
“With its motto of ‘let your light shine’, the ambition of raising aspirations and broadening horizons sits at the heart of St Bartholomew’s. The school aims to prepare pupils to live life to the full,” says the report.
Staff meet the needs of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. They are passionate and dedicated and feel well-supported in their work, it adds.
The school knows outcomes at the end of Key Stage 2 in reading, writing and maths need improving. It was awarded good for behaviour and attitudes, personal development and early years provision. It requires improvement in education quality and leadership and management, the report says.

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