New disability toilets opened

Friday (19) is Changing Places Awareness Day as the latest inclusive facilities in South Holland were opened in Long Sutton last week.

The facilities are accessible public toilets with more space and equipment for those who need help with personal care.
The South Holland District Council-owned toilets in Ayscoughfee and Sheep Market in Spalding, plus those in the centre of Holbeach have all been made into Changing Places toilets.
The improvements followed a £150,000 government grant towards the cost.
More have recently been opened in Long Sutton.
The new facilities can be found on West Street, and are located behind the existing public toilets.
A spokesman for South Holland District Council said: “Changing Places Toilets are designed for people who cannot use standard accessible toilets.
“These are larger and accessible for people with limited mobility, or specific disabilities and care needs.
“They are fitted with hoists, privacy screens, adult-sized changing benches, peninsula toilets and have space for carers.
“These new facilities add to those installed by the council, and have been possible thanks to government funding alongside council contribution.”

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