Man jailed for knocking person out while robbing phone

A robber who knocked a man out after taking his £600 mobile phone was today (Thursday) jailed for three years and nine months.

Kamil Dudek, 28, was also sentenced to an extended licence period of three years following his release from jail after a judge decided he was a “dangerous offender.”

Lincoln Crown Court heard Dudek was caught on CCTV as he attacked the victim in Hall Place, Spalding.

The victim had arranged to meet a friend during the early hours of November 21 last year.

When he arrived the victim saw his friend and also recognised Dudek who he knew as “Chester,” the court was told.

Dudek asked to see the victim’s phone to check his messages from a female friend and then told him “that’s confiscated.”

Dudek then asked the victim “have you ever been stabbed with a knife?”

The victim did not see a knife but felt “frightened and intimidated,” the court heard.

CCTV showed Dudek then punching the victim twice and kicking him once.

The next thing the victim remembered was waking up and seeing the two men had gone.

Dudek, of no fixed address, admitted a charge of robbery on November 21, 2023.

The court heard Dudek was jailed for six years in 2018 for causing grievous bodily harm and was released on licence in September 2021.

Michael Cranmer-Brown, mitigating for Dudek, said he was now doing well in custody after being recalled to prison, and had a trusted job as a cleaner.

The court heard Dudek had spent 19 years in the UK but was realistic about the prospect of being deported back to Poland.

“This incident occurred on the spur of the moment,” Mr Cranmer-Brown added. “He didn’t take the phone for financial reasons and smashed it on his knee.

“He wants this to be the last time he is in custody.”

Passing sentence Judge James House KC said the incident was largely caught on CCTV.

“On the video it is very clear you punch him twice,” Judge House told Dudek.

“Until you address your anger issues you will pose a risk to anyone who you believe disrespects you.”

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